Welcome to Booking with Us

Welcome to Two Mile Bottom Campsite, where outdoor dreams come true! Get ready for an unforgettable experience with our two booking options:

  1. Booking the Campsite: This forms allows you to book the campsite and its amenities. Once filled in you can then move onto the “Booking the Activities” form should you wish to book these also.
  2. Booking the Activities: Here you can book some of the amazing activities we have on offer at Two Mile Bottom. Please make sure you have filled in the “Booking the Campsite” form first though.

Questions or need assistance? Our dedicated team is here to help.

Remember, if you click off the page you will lose your progress filling out the forms. so If you need help while filling in the form, make sure you contact us by telephone on:

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1Contact Information
2Camp Details
3Terms, Conditions & Acknowledgements

Contact Information

To request a booking please complete this form and return it with a deposit of £10 (non-refundable).

Payment direct to our bank account is preferred:
Sort Code: 82-11-07
Account Number: 00214263

Alternatively, please make cheques payable to Norfolk County Scout Council TMB

To avoid disappointment, it is important to check availability prior to submitting a booking form.

Contact Details:

Telephone: 07787535888 or 07855970416
Email Address: contact@twomilebottomscoutcampsite.org.uk

Please also read the Campsite Rules for guidance on the standards we expect from visitors to our campsite.
Camp Leader's Address
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1Contact Information
3Instructors Information
4Terms, Conditions & Acknowledgement

Contact Details

To make a booking please complete all sections of the form below, please make sure you check availability of the campsite / activities first.

Please note there is a Non-Refundable Deposit (per activity) of £10

Payments can be made to " Norfolk County Scout Council TMB " with the following bank details:

Bank Details:
Account Number: 00214263
Sort Code: 82-11-07

Any issues contact us on contact@twomilebottomscoutcampsite.org.uk

Full Address